Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain OBI

gobi7 lobi6 obia6 obis6 obit6 cobia9 dhobi11 dobie8 globi8 gobis8 mobie9 obias7 obied8 obiit7 obits7 oobit7 robin7 boobie10 cobias10 colobi10 dhobis12 dobies9 doobie9 globin9 gobies9 gobiid10 jobing16 lobing9 mobies10 mobile10 niobic10 obiing9 obiism10 obital8 obiter8 oobits8 phobia13 phobic15 probit10 robing9 robins8 stobie8 tobies8 aerobia9 aerobic11 anobiid10 boobies11 boobing12 boobird12 boobish14 colobid12 doobies10 eobiont9 globier10 globing11 globins10 gobiids11 gobioid11 goobies10 jacobin18 kilobit13 lobings10 lobiped12 loobier9 loobies9 loobily12 mobiles11 moobies11 niobite9 niobium11 obiisms11 obitual9 phobias14 phobics16 phobism16 phobist14 probing12 probits11 probity14 robings10 robinia9 strobic11 strobil9 aerobics12 aerobium12 anobiids11 boobirds13 cenobite12 coenobia12 enrobing11 eobionts10 euphobia15 globiest11 gobioids12 immobile14 jacobins19 kilobits14 loobiest10 microbic16 mobilise12 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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