Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words with OBE

dobe7 jobe13 lobe6 mobe8 obes6 obey9 robe6 adobe8 dobes8 globe8 jobed15 jobes14 lobed8 lobes7 mobes9 mobey12 obeah10 obeli7 obese7 obeys10 probe9 robed8 robes7 sober7 adobes9 aerobe8 boobed11 engobe9 enrobe8 globed10 globes9 goober9 mobeys13 nanobe8 obeahs11 obeche13 obeism10 obelia8 obelus8 obento8 obeser8 obeyed12 obeyer11 probed11 prober10 probes10 scrobe10 sobeit8 sobers8 strobe8 unrobe8 aerobes9 berobed12 bilobed12 bobeche16 disobey13 disrobe10 earlobe9 englobe10 engobes10 enrobed10 enrober9 enrobes9 goobers10 inglobe10 kokobeh20 lobefin12 lobelet9 lobelia9 microbe13 nanobee9 nanobes9 obeahed13 obeches14 obeisms11 obelias9 obelion9 obelise9 obelisk13 obelism11 obelize18 obentos9 obesely12 obesest9 obesity12 obeyers12 obeying13 probers11 reprobe11 saprobe11 scrobes11 sobered10 soberer9 soberly12 strobed10 strobes9 trilobe9 unlobed10 unrobed10 unrobes9 Show full list ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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