Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain NOUS

nouses6 nousle6 venous9 vinous9 acinous9 arenous7 burnous9 heinous10 nousell7 nousled8 nousles7 ominous9 ozonous16 ruinous7 spinous9 uranous7 urinous7 veinous10 anginous9 aphonous13 arsenous8 arsonous8 bimanous12 burnouse10 covinous13 digynous13 enginous9 felonous11 geminous11 laminous10 luminous10 melanous10 mucinous12 mutinous10 nousells8 nousling9 numinous10 ravenous11 resinous8 rosinous8 selenous8 stannous8 titanous8 venously14 vinously14 acuminous13 alburnous11 aluminous11 biogenous12 burdenous12 burnoused12 burnouses11 carbonous13 cavernous14 chitinous14 consonous11 cretinous11 criminous13 diclinous12 epigenous12 epigonous12 epigynous15 erogenous10 exogenous17 fibrinous14 fulminous14 germanous12 glutenous10 glutinous10 heinously15 isogenous10 larcenous11 leavenous12 lichenous14 manganous12 neotenous9 nonvenous12 nouselled10 ominously14 oxygenous20 pectinous13 platinous11 poisonous11 prisonous11 ruinously12 saphenous14 sphagnous15 syntonous12 tendinous10 torminous11 trigonous10 trigynous13 tyrannous12 uliginous10 unguinous10 unisonous9 uredinous10 urogenous10 verminous14 villanous12 zoogenous19 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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