Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain NIES

snies5 conies8 denies7 genies7 gynies10 lunies6 manies8 monies8 penies8 pinies8 ponies8 renies6 sanies6 tinies6 tonies6 zanies15 agonies8 atonies7 awniest10 beanies9 bennies9 boniest9 bonnies9 boonies9 brinies9 bunnies9 burnies9 byrnies12 caniest9 carnies9 connies9 cronies9 dannies8 donnies8 downies11 dunnies8 ebonies9 fannies10 fennies10 funnies10 gennies8 goonies8 gunnies8 gynnies11 heinies10 hennies10 hinnies10 ironies7 jannies14 jennies14 liniest7 linnies7 loonies7 luniest7 meanies9 meinies9 miniest9 minnies9 moonies9 nannies7 ninnies7 nonnies7 pennies9 peonies9 phonies12 piniest9 pinnies9 pionies9 pirnies9 pownies12 puniest9 quinies16 ronnies7 sannies7 sarnies7 shinies10 sonnies7 stonies7 sunnies7 tannies7 tawnies10 tennies7 tiniest7 tinnies7 toniest7 toonies7 townies10 tuniest7 tunnies7 twonies10 viniest10 waniest10 weenies10 wienies10 winiest10 yonnies10 zaniest16 dernies8 aphonies13 astonies8 barniest10 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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