Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain NID

nide5 nidi5 nids5 canid8 cnida8 nidal6 nided7 nides6 nidor6 nidus6 ranid6 snide6 canids9 cnidae9 cyanid12 nidate7 nidget8 nidify13 niding8 nidors7 ranids7 snided8 snider7 snides7 snidey10 conidia10 cyanide13 cyanids13 daphnid14 gonidia9 gonidic11 hominid13 iguanid9 nidated9 nidates8 niddick15 nidgets9 nidings9 niduses8 oceanid10 ozonide17 siganid9 snidely11 snidest8 snidier8 sniding9 tabanid10 unideal8 uranide8 actinide11 arachnid14 arsenide9 braconid13 conidial11 conidian11 conidium13 ctenidia11 cyanided15 cyanides14 cyprinid16 daphnids15 drepanid12 euglenid10 gonidial10 gonidium12 guanidin10 hominids14 iguanids10 lycaenid14 minidisc13 minidish14 minidisk15 muraenid11 nidating10 nidation9 niddicks16 nidering10 nidgeted11 nidified13 nidifies12 nidorous9 nonideal9 oceanids11 ozonides18 peponida13 phoronid14 pycnidia16 salmonid11 sanidine9 sciaenid11 selenide9 serranid9 siganids10 snidiest9 tabanids11 tachinid14 unideaed10 uranides9 venidium14 zygaenid22 actinides12 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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