Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words with NEF

nefs7 ganef9 gonef9 ganefs10 gonefs10 nefast9 baneful12 benefic14 benefit12 onefold11 tuneful10 venefic15 benefact15 benefice15 benefits13 bonefish16 cranefly16 ninefold12 stonefly14 banefully17 benefacts16 beneficed17 benefices16 benefited15 benefiter14 canefruit14 gronefull13 ineffable17 ineffably20 minefield15 nefandous13 nefarious12 stonefish15 tunefully15 uneffaced18 untuneful12 venefical17 benefacted18 benefactor17 beneficent17 beneficial17 beneficing18 benefiters15 benefiting16 benefitted16 bonefishes18 canefruits15 coneflower18 coryneform20 craneflies15 disbenefit16 inefficacy23 minefields16 stoneflies13 uneffected19 veneficous18 banefulness16 benefacting19 benefaction18 benefactors18 benefactory21 beneficence20 beneficials18 beneficiary21 beneficiate18 benefitting17 bonefishing20 coneflowers19 disbenefits17 ineffective22 ineffectual19 inefficient19 nefariously17 stonefishes17 tunefulness14 unbeneficed19 unbenefited17 untunefully17 venefically22 veneficious19 benefactions19 benefactress19 beneficences21 beneficently22 beneficially22 beneficiated20 beneficiates19 bonefishings21 ineffability23 ineffaceable22 ineffaceably25 inefficacies22 inefficacity25 inefficiency25 inefficients20 noneffective23 unbeneficial19 unbenefitted18 veneficously23 banefulnesses18 Show full list ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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