Words with Friends Score Calculator




Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.


info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words with MIM

mime8 mimi8 mimed10 mimeo9 mimer9 mimes9 mimic11 mimsy12 yomim12 jemima17 mimbar12 mimeos10 mimers10 mimics12 miming11 mimmer12 mimosa10 mimsey13 jemimas18 mimbars13 mimeoed12 mimeses11 mimesis11 mimetic13 mimical13 mimicry16 mimmest13 mimmick19 mimosae11 mimosas11 mimsier11 mimulus11 semimat11 mimeoing13 mimester12 mimetite12 mimicked19 mimicker18 mimmicks20 mimsiest12 semimatt12 semimild13 semimute12 demimonde15 mimesises13 mimesters13 mimetical15 mimetites13 mimickers19 mimicking20 mimicries15 mimivirus16 mimmicked22 mimuluses13 pantomime15 semimatte13 semimetal13 semimicro15 semimoist13 semimutes13 semimajor20 biomimetic18 biomimicry21 demimondes16 hemimorphy25 mimeograph20 mimmicking23 mimography23 nonmimetic16 pantomimed17 pantomimes16 pantomimic18 semimetals14 biomimetics19 hemimorphic25 mimeographs21 mimetically20 mimiviruses18 mimographer21 mimosaceous17 pantomiming18 pantomimist17 penthemimer20 semimonthly21 biomimicries20 demimondaine18 hemimorphies24 hemimorphism26 hemimorphite24 hephthemimer27 mimeographed23 mimographers22 mimographies22 pantomimical20 pantomimists18 penthemimers21 radiomimetic19 semimetallic18 semimonastic18 semimystical21 Show full list ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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