Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain MIG

migg8 migs7 amiga8 amigo8 miggs9 might11 amigas9 amigos9 emigre9 migawd13 miggle10 mights12 mighty15 mignon9 omigod10 smight12 armiger10 demigod12 emigres10 lamiger10 miggles11 mightst13 mignons10 migrant10 migrate10 remiges10 smights13 emigree10 migaloo10 almighty17 armigero11 armigers11 demigods13 emigrant11 emigrate11 fumigant14 fumigate14 lamigers11 lammiger13 mightest14 mightful17 mightier14 mightily17 mignonne11 migraine11 migrants11 migrated12 migrates11 migrator11 remigate11 remigial11 semigala11 emigrees11 armigeral12 armigeros12 emigrants12 emigrated13 emigrates12 fumigants15 fumigated16 fumigates15 fumigator15 immigrant14 immigrate14 inmigrant12 lammigers14 mightiest15 migmatite14 mignonnes12 migraines12 migrating13 migration12 migrators12 migratory15 ptarmigan14 remigated13 remigates12 remigrate12 semigalas12 semiglobe14 semigloss12 semigroup14 smighting16 almightily19 armigerous13 emigrating14 emigration13 emigratory16 fumigating17 fumigation16 fumigators16 fumigatory19 immigrancy20 immigrants15 immigrated16 immigrates15 immigrator15 inmigrants13 mightiness16 migmatites15 mignonette13 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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