Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain MAP

maps8 mapau9 maple9 remap9 bitmap12 ecomap12 mapaus10 maples10 mapped13 mapper12 remaps10 bitmaps13 ecomaps13 mapless11 maplike15 mappers13 mappery16 mapping14 mappist13 mapwise14 mapmaker18 mappable16 mappings15 mappists14 mapstick18 photomap17 remapped15 unmapped15 bitmapped18 maplelike17 mapmakers19 mapmaking20 mappemond18 mapperies15 mapsticks19 photomaps18 remapping16 semaphore16 bitmapping19 mapmakings21 mappemonds19 semaphored18 semaphores17 semaphoric19 germaphobe20 dermapteran16 mammaplasty22 maximaphily30 photomapped23 semaphoring19 spermaphyte23 germaphobes21 germaphobic23 dermaplaning18 dermapterans17 karyomapping26 photomapping24 semaphorical21 spermaphytes24 spermaphytic26 dermaplanings19 hermaphrodite24 karyomappings27 mammaplasties21 maximaphilies29 ramapithecine22 hermaphrodites25 hermaphroditic27 plasmaphereses23 plasmapheresis23 ramapithecines23 semaphorically26 hermaphroditism28 hermaphroditisms29

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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