Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain MANDI

mandir9 mandis9 mandioc12 mandira10 mandirs10 amandine11 mandible13 mandioca13 mandiocs13 mandiras11 almandine12 almandite12 amandines12 demanding14 mandibles14 mandilion12 mandiocas14 mandiocca16 remanding13 almandines13 almandites13 commanding18 gormandise14 gormandism16 gormandize23 mandibular15 mandilions13 mandioccas17 demandingly19 gormandised16 gormandiser15 gormandises15 gormandisms17 gormandized25 gormandizer24 gormandizes24 gourmandise15 gourmandism17 gourmandize24 mandibulate16 redemanding16 undemanding16 commandingly23 gormandisers16 gormandising17 gormandizers25 gormandizing26 gourmandised17 gourmandises16 gourmandisms18 gourmandized26 gourmandizes25 mandibulated18 mandibulates17 nondemanding17 reprimanding18 demandingness18 gormandisings18 gormandizings27 gourmandising18 gourmandizing27 overdemanding21 premandibular20 submandibular20 undemandingly21 countermanding20 premandibulars21 submandibulars21 demandingnesses20 undemandingness20 temporomandibul24 temporomandibular26

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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