Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain MALL

malls7 small7 mallam10 malled9 mallee8 mallei8 mallet8 mallow11 smalls8 mallams11 mallard10 mallees9 mallets9 malleus9 malling10 mallows12 smalled10 smaller9 animally13 dismally14 formally16 mallards11 mallcore12 malleate10 mallecho15 malleoli10 mallings11 megamall13 normally13 primally15 smallage11 smallboy15 smallest10 smalling11 smallish13 smallpox19 smallsat10 tomalley13 abysmally19 decimally17 dismaller12 gimmalled15 mallander12 mallcores13 malleable13 malleably16 malleated12 malleates11 mallechos16 mallemuck19 mallender12 malleolar11 malleolus11 malleuses11 maximally23 megamalls14 minimally16 optimally16 permalloy16 smallages12 smallboys16 smallness11 smallsats11 smalltime13 thermally17 tomalleys14 abnormally17 animallike16 dismallest13 episomally17 informally18 mallanders13 malleating13 malleation12 malleiform17 mallemucks20 mallenders13 mallowpuff23 permalloys17 proximally24 smallmouth17 smallpoxes21 smallsword16 ultrasmall12 autosomally16 baptismally20 fantasmally19 lognormally17 malleations13 malleoluses13 mallowpuffs24 marshmallow21 smallholder17 smallmouths18 smallnesses13 smallswords17 subdermally19 subnormally18 unmalleable15 aneurismally17 aneurysmally20 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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