Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain MAGE

image8 mages8 damage10 fumage12 homage12 imaged10 imager9 images9 ohmage12 romage9 damaged12 damager11 damages11 fromage13 fumages13 homaged14 homager13 homages13 imagers10 imagery13 magenta10 ohmages13 plumage12 primage12 reimage10 romages10 rummage12 almagest11 chummage18 damagers12 endamage12 fromages14 grammage14 homagers14 magentas11 mageship16 nonimage11 plumaged14 plumages13 primages13 redamage12 reimaged12 reimages11 rummaged14 rummager13 rummages13 almagests12 archimage17 brummagem18 chummages19 endamaged14 endamages13 grammages15 imageable14 imageless12 imageries12 mageships17 nonimages12 plasmagel14 redamaged14 redamages13 rummagers14 scrimmage16 scrummage16 skrimmage18 undamaged14 afterimage16 archimages18 brummagems19 damageable16 microimage17 pilgrimage16 plasmagels15 plasmagene15 scrimmaged18 scrimmager17 scrimmages17 scrummaged18 scrummager17 scrummages17 skrimmaged20 skrimmages19 afterimages17 microimages18 pilgrimaged18 pilgrimager17 pilgrimages17 plasmagenes16 plasmagenic18 scrimmagers18 scrummagers18 counterimage17 endamagement18 pilgrimagers18 counterimages18 damageability22 endamagements19 damageabilities21

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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