Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain MACH

mache12 machi12 macho12 machs12 machan13 macher13 maches13 machos13 sumach13 machaca16 machair14 machans14 machers14 machete14 machine14 machree14 machzor23 stomach14 sumachs14 unmacho14 drammach18 logomach16 machacas17 machairs15 machetes15 machined16 machines15 machismo17 machoism17 machrees15 machzors24 naumachy18 stomachs15 stomachy18 antimacho16 drammachs19 logomachs17 logomachy20 machinate16 machinery19 machinima18 machining17 machinist16 machismos18 machmeter18 machoisms18 machzorim27 monomachy21 naumachia16 promachos18 sciamachy21 sciomachy21 skiamachy23 stomachal16 stomached17 stomacher16 stomachic18 theomachy22 hemachrome22 iconomachy22 machinable19 machinated18 machinates17 machinator17 machinegun18 machineman19 machinemen19 machinimas19 machinings18 machinists17 machmeters19 monomachia19 naumachiae17 naumachias17 naumachies17 stomachers17 stomachful20 stomachics19 stomaching18 stomachous17 supermacho19 tauromachy20 stomachals17 stomachier17 haemachrome23 hemachromes23 logomachies19 logomachist19 machicolate20 machinating19 machination18 machinators18 machineable20 machineguns19 machineless18 machinelike22 machineries18 monomachias20 monomachies20 promachoses20 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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