Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain LYSES

analyses11 biolyses13 dialyses12 lyolyses14 atmolyses14 autolyses12 catalyses14 cytolyses17 emphlyses19 hemolyses17 homolyses17 lipolyses14 oncolyses14 paralyses14 pyrolyses17 zymolyses26 amylolyses18 glycolyses19 haemolyses18 histolyses16 hydrolyses20 karyolyses20 neurolyses13 ozonolyses22 photolyses18 radiolyses14 reanalyses13 solvolyses16 uranalyses13 urinalyses13 zincolyses24 ammonolyses18 enzymolyses28 frontolyses17 hematolyses19 heterolyses17 metanalyses16 misanalyses16 plasmolyses18 proteolyses16 steatolyses14 thermolyses19 breathalyses20 electrolyses17 fibrinolyses20 haematolyses20 hemodialyses21 overanalyses18 thrombolyses22 biocatalyses19 autocatalyses18 bacteriolyses20 chromatolyses23 cryptanalyses23 cyclodialyses24 epidermolyses21 haemodialyses22 hypnoanalyses24 microanalyses20 narcoanalyses18 pneumatolyses20 spondylolyses22 glycogenolyses24 hydrogenolyses25 leucocytolyses24 leukocytolyses26 phosphorolyses27 photocatalyses24 psephoanalyses24 psychoanalyses27 rhabdomyolyses28 electroanalyses20 electrodialyses21

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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