Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain LOSES

closes8 uloses6 closest9 duloses8 ecloses9 tyloses10 xyloses17 teloses7 amyloses13 calloses10 celloses10 cycloses15 diploses11 encloses10 haploses13 incloses10 kylloses15 peploses12 psiloses10 ptiloses10 recloses10 thyloses14 uncloses10 upcloses12 alkaloses13 ankyloses16 discloses12 levuloses12 parcloses13 ribuloses11 secaloses11 toruloses9 anchyloses18 celluloses12 closestool12 forecloses15 granuloses11 laevuloses13 pteryloses15 sucraloses12 trehaloses13 lactuloses12 omphaloses17 agranuloses12 anadiploses14 aryballoses16 brucelloses15 chloraloses16 closestools13 disencloses14 disincloses14 pediculoses16 shigelloses15 spirilloses13 spondyloses17 furunculoses17 strongyloses16 tuberculoses16 aspergilloses16 epanadiploses18 salmonelloses15 diverticuloses20 hemicelluloses21 hydrocelluloses24 lignocelluloses18 nitrocelluloses17 methylcelluloses26 pseudotuberculoses25 carboxymethylcelluloses47

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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