Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain LISTS

delists8 enlists7 holists10 hylists13 relists7 anglists9 biblists12 cellists10 coolists10 cyclists15 dialists9 dualists9 duelists9 foilists11 idolists9 idylists12 listserv11 midlists11 myalists13 oculists10 oralists8 paylists13 pollists10 realists8 stylists11 titlists8 unalists8 violists11 wholists14 annalists9 arbalists11 backlists17 cabalists13 civilists14 creolists11 diallists10 duellists10 fabulists14 fatalists12 finalists12 graylists13 greylists13 handlists13 homilists14 idealists10 idyllists13 junglists17 kabalists15 legalists10 libelists11 listservs12 localists11 longlists10 loyalists12 medalists12 metalists11 modalists12 modelists12 moralists11 muralists11 niellists9 nihilists12 novelists12 panelists11 papalists13 phallists14 playlists14 populists13 pugilists12 qabalists20 reenlists9 regalists10 royalists12 ruralists9 sciolists11 shitlists12 simplists13 sodalists10 totalists9 trialists9 troilists9 vitalists12 vocalists14 waitlists12 actualists12 aerialists10 amoralists12 animalists12 atonalists10 bicyclists19 blacklists18 braillists12 brutalists12 cabbalists16 carnalists12 cartelists12 cembalists16 cerealists12 checklists21 choralists15 crewelists15 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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