Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain LIED

clied8 flied9 plied8 allied7 belied9 lieder7 lilied7 ollied7 relied7 uglied8 applied12 bellied10 bullied10 collied10 cullied10 dallied9 doilied9 dollied9 duplied11 ferlied11 follied11 gallied9 gillied9 gollied9 gullied9 implied12 jeelied15 jellied15 jollied15 kaylied15 ouglied9 outlied8 pallied10 rallied8 replied10 sallied8 sullied8 tallied8 willied11 complied15 ghillied13 oughlied13 parslied11 reallied9 sicklied15 skellied13 supplied13 triplied11 trollied9 unallied9 whillied15 disallied11 impliedly17 injellied17 lichtlied15 lightlied14 misallied12 misrelied12 overplied15 panoplied14 reapplied14 retallied10 unapplied14 unsullied10 volkslied17 disapplied16 misapplied17 multiplied15 outbullied13 potbellied15 preapplied17 resupplied15 sextuplied20 tunbellied13 unsupplied15 butterflied17 empanoplied18 interallied12 volkslieder19 dillydallied18 oversupplied20 undersupplied19 counterrallied17 overmultiplied22 shillyshallied24

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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