Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain LICE

slice7 allice8 cilice10 delice9 ilices8 malice10 police10 sliced9 slicer8 slices8 splice10 ulices8 allices9 anglice10 calices11 chalice14 cilices11 culices11 cylices14 delices10 helices12 kylices16 licence11 license9 licente9 maliced12 malices11 policed12 policer11 polices11 salices9 salicet9 slicers9 spliced12 splicer11 splices11 booklice16 chaliced16 chalices15 complice16 licenced13 licencee12 licencer12 licences12 licensed11 licensee10 licenser10 licenses10 licensor10 policers12 pollices12 preslice12 pulicene12 resplice12 saliceta10 salicets10 scilicet12 scolices12 semplice14 splicers12 surplice12 unsliced11 woodlice14 chelicera16 complices17 fortalice14 grapelice14 licencees13 licencers13 licencing14 licensees11 licensers11 licensing12 licensors11 licensure11 nonpolice13 policeman15 policemen15 presliced14 preslices13 relicense11 respliced14 resplices13 salicetum13 siliceous11 simplices15 sliceable13 surpliced14 surplices13 unpoliced14 videlicet15 accomplice20 anthelices15 antipolice14 chelicerae17 cheliceral17 fortalices15 licensable14 licensures12 licentiate12 licentious12 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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