Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain LEPT

clept9 lepta7 slept7 klepto12 leptin8 lepton8 yclept13 kleptos13 leptins9 leptome11 leptons9 leptomes12 leptonic12 outslept10 analeptic13 epileptic15 leptophos16 leptosome13 leptotene11 overslept14 proleptic15 sylleptic16 analeptics14 antilepton12 cataleptic16 epileptics16 epileptoid15 leptosomes14 leptosomic16 leptospire14 leptotenes12 metaleptic16 nympholept22 kleptocrat18 acataleptic17 antileptons13 cataleptics17 cleptocracy22 cleptomania17 epanaleptic17 epileptical17 kleptocracy24 kleptomania19 leptocercal17 leptodactyl19 leptokurtic19 leptophoses18 leptorrhine16 leptospiral15 leptospires15 narcoleptic17 neuroleptic15 nympholepts23 parableptic19 proleptical17 sylleptical18 kleptocrats19 acataleptics18 cleptomaniac20 cleptomanias18 epileptiform21 kleptocratic22 kleptomaniac22 kleptomanias20 leptocephali21 leptodactyls20 leptosomatic18 metaleptical18 narcoleptics18 neuroleptics16 nympholeptic26 organoleptic17 antiepileptic19 cleptocracies21 cleptomaniacs21 epileptically22 epileptogenic20 kleptocracies23 kleptomaniacs23 leptocephalic24 leptocephalus22 leptophyllous23 leptospiroses17 leptospirosis17 postepileptic21 proleptically22 sylleptically23 antiepileptics20 cataleptically23 leptocephalous23 leptodactylous22 organolepticall20 organoleptically24

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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