Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain LAME

blame9 clame9 flame10 lamed8 lamer7 lames7 aflame11 blamed11 blamer10 blames10 clames10 flamed12 flamen11 flamer11 flames11 lamedh12 lameds9 lamely11 lament8 lamest8 alameda10 blamers11 enflame12 flamens12 flamers12 inflame12 lamedhs13 lamella9 laments9 lameter9 melamed12 reclame11 velamen12 alamedas11 bedlamer13 blameful15 cyclamen17 enflamed14 enflames13 filament13 flamelet13 flamenco15 flameout13 inflamed14 inflamer13 inflames13 lamellae10 lamellar10 lamellas10 lameness10 lamented11 lamenter10 lameters10 preflame15 reclames12 unblamed13 bedlamers14 blameable15 blameably18 blameless13 cyclamens18 filaments14 flameless14 flamelets14 flamelike18 flamencos16 flameouts14 inflamers14 lamebrain13 lamellate11 lamelloid12 lamellose11 lamenters11 lamenting12 reinflame14 blamefully20 blamestorm16 flameproof20 lamebrains14 lamellarly15 lamellated13 lamenesses12 lamentable14 lamentably17 lamentedly16 lamentings13 lamestream14 loculament14 reinflamed16 reinflames15 uninflamed16 unlamented13 blamelessly18 blamestorms17 blameworthy24 filamentary19 filamentous16 flameproofs21 lamebrained16 lamellately16 lamellation13 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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