Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain LAMA

lamas7 llama7 ulama7 llamas8 palama10 ulamas8 calamar11 clamant11 palamae11 blamable14 blamably17 calamari12 calamars12 calamary15 calamata12 clamancy17 hielaman13 kalamata14 lamantin10 lamasery13 palamate12 calamanco15 calamaris13 calamatas13 clamantly16 cyclamate18 hielamans14 kalamatas15 lamaistic13 lamantins11 lamaserai11 calamansi13 kalamansi15 calamancos16 calamander15 calamaries14 clamancies16 cyclamates19 inflamable17 lamaserais12 lamaseries12 salamander13 unblamable16 unblamably19 acclamation17 acclamatory20 calamancoes17 calamanders16 clamatorial15 declamation16 declamatory19 exclamation22 exclamative25 exclamatory25 reclamation15 salamanders14 acclamations18 blamableness18 conclamation18 declamations17 disclamation17 exclamations23 exclamatives26 proclamation18 proclamatory21 reclamations16 salamandrian15 salamandrine15 salamandroid16 conclamations19 declamatorily21 disclamations18 exclamational24 exclamatorily27 proclamations19 salamandrians16 salamandroids17 blamablenesses20

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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