Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words with KILO

kilos9 kilobar13 kilobit13 kilorad12 kiloton11 kilobars14 kilobase14 kilobaud15 kilobits14 kilobyte17 kilogram15 kilogray16 kilomole14 kilopond15 kilorads13 kilotons12 kilovolt15 kilowatt15 kilobases15 kilobauds16 kilobytes18 kilocurie15 kilocycle20 kilogauss14 kilograms16 kilograys17 kilohertz25 kilojoule20 kiloliter13 kilolitre13 kilometer15 kilometre15 kilomoles15 kiloponds16 kilotonne13 kilovolts16 kilowatts16 kilocuries16 kilocycles21 kilogramme19 kilojoules21 kiloliters14 kilolitres14 kilometers16 kilometres16 kilometric18 kiloparsec18 kilopascal18 kilotonnes14 kilocalorie17 kilogausses16 kilogrammes20 kilohertzes27 kiloparsecs19 kilopascals19 poikilocyte22 kilocalories18 kilometrical20 poikilocytes23 poikilotherm23 poikilotherms24 poikilothermy27 poikilothermal25 poikilothermic27 poikilothermies26 poikilothermism28

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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