Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain KEN

keno8 kens8 kent8 sken8 akene9 baken11 kenaf12 kench14 kendo10 kenos9 kente9 kents9 liken9 oaken9 skene9 skens9 soken9 taken9 token9 waken12 woken12 akenes10 alkene10 awaken13 awoken13 barken12 birken12 bokken16 broken12 darken11 docken13 dusken11 harken13 kekeno14 kenafs13 kendos11 kenned11 kennel10 kenner10 kennet10 kented11 kentes10 kentia10 kraken14 libken12 likens10 lucken12 meeken12 milken12 misken12 pinken12 shaken13 sicken12 silken10 skenes10 sloken10 soaken10 sokens10 spoken12 sucken12 sunken10 ticken12 tokens10 unkend11 unkent10 wakens13 weaken13 wicken15 wroken13 akenial11 alkenes11 awakens14 barkens13 betaken13 betoken13 blacken15 bokkens17 bookend14 bracken15 bricken15 brisken13 chicken18 darkens12 dickens14 dockens14 drucken14 drunken12 duskens12 flanken14 harkens14 hearken14 kekenos15 kenches16 kennels11 kenners11 kennets11 kennett11 kenning12 kenoses11 kenosis11 kenotic13 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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