Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain JIG

jigs12 jiggy17 jigot13 rejig13 adjigo15 jigged16 jigger15 jiggle15 jiggly18 jigjig22 jigots14 jigsaw17 rejigs14 adjigos16 jigaboo17 jigajig23 jigajog23 jiggers16 jiggier16 jigging17 jiggish19 jiggled17 jiggles16 jigjigs23 jiglike19 jigsawn18 jigsaws18 jigaboos18 jigajigs24 jigajogs24 jiggered18 jiggiest17 jiggings18 jigglier17 jiggling18 jigsawed20 rejigged18 rejigger17 jigamaree19 jiggering19 jiggliest18 jiggumbob24 jigjigged27 jigsawing21 rejiggers18 rejigging19 jigajigged28 jigajogged28 jigamarees20 jiggermast21 jiggumbobs25 jigjigging28 rejiggered20 jigajigging29 jigajogging29 jiggermasts22 rejiggering21 thingamajig25 thingamyjig28 thingumajig25 thingamajigs26 thingamyjigs29 thingumajigs26 thingummyjig31 thingummyjigs32

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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