Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain IRED

aired6 fired9 hired9 mired8 sired6 tired6 vired9 wired9 faired10 haired10 heired10 laired7 leired7 paired9 quired16 saired7 shired10 spired9 stired7 twired10 waired10 weired10 admired11 antired8 aspired10 attired8 bemired12 chaired13 choired13 deaired9 desired9 enfired11 expired17 firedog12 glaired9 refired11 rehired11 retired8 rewired11 speired10 squired17 staired8 sweired11 tireder8 tiredly11 umpired12 unaired8 unfired11 unhired11 untired8 unwired11 acquired20 appaired13 dehaired13 effeired15 empaired13 enquired18 esquired18 firedamp16 firedogs13 impaired13 inquired18 inspired11 misfired14 oilfired12 outfired12 outhired12 prefired14 prewired14 rampired13 repaired11 required18 respired11 suspired11 tiredest9 unfaired12 unhaired12 unpaired11 vampired16 wiredraw15 wiredrew15 backfired21 bonetired12 coadmired15 cochaired17 conspired14 despaired13 firedamps17 firedrake17 forfaired16 hardwired17 overtired13 perspired14 quagmired22 retiredly13 sapphired17 squiredom21 tiredness10 unadmired13 unattired10 unchaired15 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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