Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words with HYDRA

hydrae13 hydras13 hydrant14 hydrase14 hydrate14 hydracid18 hydragog17 hydranth18 hydrants15 hydrases15 hydrated16 hydrates15 hydrator15 anhydrase16 dehydrate17 hydracids19 hydraemia18 hydragogs18 hydrangea17 hydranths19 hydrastis16 hydrating17 hydration16 hydrators16 hydraulic18 hydrazide26 hydrazine25 hydrazoic27 rehydrate16 anhydrases17 dehydrated19 dehydrater18 dehydrates18 dehydrator18 hydraemias19 hydragogue19 hydrangeas18 hydrastine17 hydrations17 hydraulics19 hydrazides27 hydrazines26 rehydrated18 rehydrates17 trihydrate17 cryohydrate23 dehydraters19 dehydrating20 dehydration19 dehydrators19 hemihydrate23 hexahydrate28 hydragogues20 hydralazine27 hydrargyral22 hydrargyria22 hydrargyric24 hydrargyrum24 hydrastines18 hydrastises18 monohydrate20 rehydrating19 rehydration18 trihydrated19 trihydrates18 decahydrate21 carbohydrase23 carbohydrate23 cryohydrates24 dehydrations20 hemihydrated25 hemihydrates24 hexahydrated30 hexahydrates29 hydralazines28 hydrargyrias23 hydrargyrism25 hydrargyrums25 hydrastinine19 hydraulicked26 monohydrated22 monohydrates21 rehydratable21 rehydrations19 decahydrates22 pentahydrate21 carbohydrases24 carbohydrates24 hydrargyrisms26 hydrarthroses23 hydrarthrosis23 hydrastinines20 hydraulically25 hydraulicking27 pentahydrates22 hydraulickings28 diphenhydramine30 noncarbohydrate26 electrohydrauli24 dimethylhydrazi40 Show full list ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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