Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain HOOK

chook14 hooka12 hooks12 hooky15 shook12 chooks15 hookah16 hookas13 hooked14 hooker13 hookey16 hookup15 shooks13 unhook13 chooked17 chookie16 eyehook17 hookahs17 hookers14 hookeys17 hookier14 hookies14 hooking15 hooklet14 hookups16 mudhook17 pothook16 skyhook21 unhooks14 bahookie17 billhook17 boathook17 canthook17 chookies17 chooking18 eyehooks18 fishhook21 hookiest15 hookings16 hookless15 hooklets15 hooklike19 hooknose15 hookworm20 meathook17 mudhooks18 pothooks17 reaphook17 skyhooks22 tailhook15 unhooked16 bahookies18 billhooks18 boathooks18 canthooks18 fishhooks22 grasshook17 hookcheck27 hooknosed17 hooknoses16 hookworms21 meathooks18 pinhooker18 reaphooks18 spoonhook18 tailhooks16 unhooking17 buttonhook19 grasshooks18 hookchecks28 hookedness18 pinhookers19 spoonhooks19 tenterhook17 hooktender18 buttonhooks20 tenterhooks18 hooktenders19 buttonhooked22 hookednesses20 buttonhooking23

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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