Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain HOODS

unhoods11 apehoods14 boyhoods17 cathoods14 cubhoods16 elfhoods15 godhoods14 hoghoods16 ladhoods13 manhoods14 nunhoods12 sonhoods12 aunthoods13 babyhoods20 calfhoods18 colthoods15 dollhoods14 girlhoods14 idlehoods14 kinghoods18 ladyhoods17 maidhoods16 misshoods15 monkhoods19 pagehoods16 popehoods17 pumphoods19 sagehoods14 selfhoods16 serfhoods16 wifehoods19 wivehoods19 damehoods16 adulthoods15 angelhoods15 beasthoods16 childhoods20 fairyhoods20 falsehoods17 fleshhoods20 gawkihoods22 gianthoods15 gipsyhoods20 gypsyhoods23 hardihoods18 humanhoods19 lustihoods14 monkshoods20 puppyhoods23 queenhoods23 sainthoods14 smokehoods20 statehoods14 swinehoods17 tabbyhoods21 thanehoods17 thinghoods18 widowhoods21 witchhoods22 womanhoods19 youthhoods20 beadlehoods18 beggarhoods19 cousinhoods17 deaconhoods18 drearihoods16 fatherhoods21 gentlehoods16 hoydenhoods22 infanthoods18 kinglihoods20 knighthoods23 likelihoods19 livelihoods18 maidenhoods18 masterhoods17 matronhoods17 motherhoods20 nationhoods15 novicehoods20 orphanhoods20 parenthoods17 peoplehoods19 personhoods17 priesthoods17 princehoods19 singlehoods16 sisterhoods15 squirehoods24 victimhoods22 virginhoods19 waiterhoods18 familyhoods23 geezerhoods25 brotherhoods21 flapperhoods23 goddesshoods19 invalidhoods20 jealoushoods23 prophethoods23 servanthoods19 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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