Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words with HED

ahed8 ehed8 ohed8 shed8 aahed9 ached11 ashed9 eched11 heder9 hedge10 hedgy13 hohed12 iched11 kheda13 oohed9 pohed11 rahed9 sheds9 arched12 bached14 bashed12 bathed12 blahed12 boohed12 bushed12 cached14 cashed12 cheder12 coshed12 dashed11 dished11 dushed11 eeched12 etched12 fashed13 fished13 gached13 gashed11 gushed11 hashed13 heddle11 hedera10 heders10 hedged12 hedger11 hedges11 highed14 hished13 hushed13 inched12 itched12 joshed17 khedah17 khedas14 kithed14 kythed17 lashed10 lathed10 leched12 lithed10 lushed10 mashed12 meshed12 miched14 moched14 moshed12 mothed12 mushed12 niched12 nighed11 noshed10 ouched12 pashed12 pathed12 peched14 peghed13 pished12 pithed12 poohed12 poshed12 pushed12 rashed10 riched12 ruched12 rushed10 sashed10 sighed11 sithed10 sughed11 tashed10 tathed10 teched12 tithed10 toshed10 tushed10 tythed13 unshed10 washed13 wished13 withed13 Show full list ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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