Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain HEART

hearth12 hearts9 hearty12 hearted11 hearten10 hearths13 heartly13 oxheart17 unheart10 heartens11 heartier11 hearties11 heartily14 hearting12 heartlet11 heartpea13 oxhearts18 unhearts11 enhearten12 heartache17 heartbeat14 heartburn14 heartened13 heartener12 heartfelt15 heartfree15 hearthrug16 heartiest12 heartikin16 heartland13 heartless12 heartlets12 heartling13 heartpeas14 heartseed13 heartsick18 heartsink16 heartsome14 heartsore12 heartwood16 heartworm17 unhearted13 bighearted17 blackheart21 dishearten14 enheartens13 greenheart14 heartaches18 heartbeats15 heartbreak19 heartbroke19 heartburns15 hearteners13 heartening14 hearthrugs17 heartikins17 heartiness13 heartlands14 heartlings14 heartsease13 heartseeds14 heartsinks17 heartsores13 heartthrob18 heartwater16 heartwoods17 heartworms18 sweetheart16 unhearting14 blackhearts22 coldhearted18 disheartens15 downhearted19 enheartened15 freehearted18 greenhearts15 halfhearted21 hardhearted19 heartbreaks20 heartbroken20 hearthstone17 heartlessly17 heartseases14 heartsomely19 heartstring15 heartthrobs19 heartwaters17 ironhearted15 kindhearted20 lionhearted15 openhearted17 purpleheart18 softhearted18 sweethearts17 truehearted15 warmhearted20 weakhearted22 bigheartedly22 disheartened17 enheartening16 fainthearted19 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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