Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain HEADS

beheads13 coheads13 headset11 oxheads18 unheads11 airheads12 bedheads15 bigheads15 bowheads17 bunheads14 catheads14 cupheads16 eggheads14 fatheads15 godheads14 headsail12 headsets12 headship17 headshot15 headsman14 headsmen14 headstay15 hopheads17 hotheads15 jarheads19 jugheads20 mopheads16 netheads12 pinheads14 pitheads14 potheads14 ragheads13 rawheads15 redheads13 sapheads14 subheads14 towheads15 warheads15 webheads17 acidheads16 baldheads16 baseheads15 billheads15 blueheads15 boltheads15 boneheads15 boobheads17 boofheads18 bulkheads19 bullheads15 buttheads15 clubheads17 cokeheads19 deadheads15 dickheads20 dopeheads16 dropheads16 drumheads16 dumbheads18 flatheads16 foreheads16 forkheads20 fuckheads22 gearheads14 giltheads14 grayheads17 greyheads17 hardheads17 hashheads19 headsails13 headscarf18 headshake20 headships18 headshots16 headspace17 headstall13 headstand14 headstays16 headstick19 headstock19 headstone13 hindheads17 hoarheads16 hogsheads17 joltheads20 knobheads19 knotheads17 lakeheads17 lionheads13 longheads14 lunkheads17 mastheads15 meatheads15 nailheads13 numbheads17 overheads16 pierheads15 pillheads15 pissheads15 plowheads18 railheads13 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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