Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain GRAPHICAL

graphically22 biographical22 epigraphical22 geographical21 myographical25 orographical20 zoographical29 autographical21 cacographical25 cerographical23 demographical24 digraphically25 graphicalness21 ideographical22 lexigraphical28 logographical22 monographical23 nomographical23 oreographical21 paragraphical23 pasigraphical23 topographical23 typographical26 venographical24 xylographical31 bathygraphical30 biographically27 calligraphical24 cartographical24 chirographical27 chorographical27 cosmographical26 discographical25 epigraphically27 ethnographical25 geographically26 hagiographical26 heliographical25 hierographical25 hydrographical29 hyetographical28 hygrographical29 hypsographical30 ichnographical27 iconographical24 lithographical25 myographically30 orographically25 orthographical25 paleographical24 pantographical24 petrographical24 photographical27 scenographical24 stenographical22 stylographical25 tachygraphical30 uranographical22 zincographical33 autographically26 bibliographical27 biogeographical26 cardiographical26 chalcographical30 chartographical28 cryptographical30 demographically29 glossographical24 glyphographical32 glyptographical29 graphicalnesses23 heterographical26 holographically29 ideographically27 lexicographical32 logographically27 monographically28 nomographically28 nonbiographical25 oceanographical25 oreographically26 organographical24 palaeographical25 paragraphically28 physiographical31 polygraphically31 psychographical33 seismographical25 selenographical23 stereographical23 stratigraphical23 telegraphically26 topographically28 typographically31 xerographically33 zoogeographical33 flexographicall33 orthographicall26 micrographicall27 stenographicall23 cartographicall25 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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