Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words with GORI

goris6 gorier7 gorily10 goring8 goriest8 gorilla8 gorings9 algorism11 engoring10 gorillas9 goriness9 rigorism11 rigorist9 vigorish15 algorisms12 algorithm15 allegoric12 categoric14 gorillian10 gorilline10 gorilloid11 paregoric14 rigorisms12 rigorists10 algorismic15 algorithms16 allegories11 allegorise11 allegorist11 allegorize20 amphigoric20 categorial13 categories13 categorise13 categorist13 categorize22 clangoring14 frigorific19 gorinesses11 paregorics15 rigoristic13 vigorishes17 algorithmic19 allegorical14 allegorised13 allegoriser12 allegorises12 allegorists12 allegorized22 allegorizer21 allegorizes21 amphigories19 categorical16 categorised15 categorises14 categorists14 categorized24 categorizes23 frigorifico20 gongoristic15 gorillagram15 allegorisers13 allegorising14 allegorizers22 allegorizing23 categorially18 categorising16 categorizing25 frigorificos21 gorillagrams16 recategorize24 allegorically19 categorically21 subcategories18 subcategorise18 subcategorize27 recategorized26 recategorizes25 categorizable27 allegorisation15 allegorization24 categorisation17 categorization26 phantasmagoria22 phantasmagoric24 subcategorised20 subcategorises19 subcategorized29 subcategorizes28 recategorizing27 algorithmically26 allegoricalness18 allegorisations16 allegorizations25 categoricalness20 categorisations18 categorizations27 phantasmagorial23 phantasmagorias23 phantasmagories23 Show full list ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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