Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain GOLD

golds7 goldy10 golden8 golder8 goldarn9 goldbug12 goldens9 goldest9 goldeye12 goldier9 goldies9 goldish12 goldurn9 mangold11 goldarns10 goldbugs13 goldened11 goldener10 goldenly13 goldeyes13 goldfish16 goldiest10 goldless10 goldsize19 goldtail10 goldtone10 goldurns10 goldwork17 mangolds12 marigold12 goldarned12 goldbrick19 goldcrest13 goldenest11 goldeneye14 goldening12 goldenrod12 goldfield15 goldfinch19 goldfinny17 goldminer13 goldsinny14 goldsizes20 goldsmith16 goldspink17 goldstick17 goldstone11 goldtones11 goldworks18 marigolds13 radiogold12 goldarning13 goldbeater14 goldbricks20 goldcrests14 goldeneyes15 goldenness12 goldenrods13 goldenseal12 goldfields16 goldfishes18 goldilocks18 goldminers14 goldsmiths17 goldspinks18 goldsticks18 goldstones12 goldthread16 radiogolds13 goldbeaters15 goldbricked22 goldenberry18 goldenseals13 goldfinches21 goldfinnies16 goldsinnies13 goldsmithry21 goldthreads17 goldbricking23 goldennesses14 goldilockses20 goldsmithery22 goldenberries17 goldsmithries20 mangoldwurzel29 goldsmitheries21 mangoldwurzels30

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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