Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain GLAM

glams8 glammy14 glamor9 glammed13 glammer12 glamors10 glamour10 beglamor13 glammest13 glammier13 glamming14 glamored12 glamours11 glamping14 beglamors14 beglamour14 glammiest14 glamoring13 glamorise12 glamorize21 glamorous12 glamoured13 glampings15 beglamored16 beglamours15 glamorised14 glamoriser13 glamorises13 glamorized23 glamorizer22 glamorizes22 glamouring14 glamourise13 glamourize22 glamourous13 glamorless13 beglamoring17 beglamoured17 deglamorise15 deglamorize24 glamorisers14 glamorising15 glamorizers23 glamorizing24 glamorously17 glamourised15 glamourises14 glamourized24 glamourizes23 glamourless14 glamourpuss16 unglamorous14 beglamouring18 deglamorised17 deglamorises16 deglamorized26 deglamorizes25 glamourising16 glamourizing25 glamourously18 nonglamorous15 unglamorised16 unglamorized25 deglamorising18 deglamorizing27 glamorisation16 glamorization25 glamorousness16 glamourpusses18 overglamorise19 overglamorize28 glamorisations17 glamorizations26 glamourousness17 overglamorised21 overglamorises20 overglamorized30 overglamorizes29 ultraglamorous17 overglamourize29 deglamorisation19 deglamorization28 glamorousnesses18 overglamorising22 overglamorizing31 overglamourized31 overglamourizes30 deglamorizations29

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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