Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain GLAD

glade7 glads7 glady10 beglad10 glades8 gladly11 unglad8 beglads11 gladded11 gladden10 gladder10 gladdie10 gladdon10 gladful12 gladier9 gladius9 gladdens11 gladdest11 gladdies11 gladding12 gladdons11 gladiate10 gladiest10 gladiola10 gladiole10 gladioli10 gladlier10 gladness10 gladsome12 gladwrap15 overglad13 gladhand14 begladded15 everglade14 gladdened13 gladdener12 gladelike15 gladiator11 gladiolar11 gladiolas11 gladioles11 gladiolus11 gladiuses11 gladliest11 gladsomer13 gladstone11 gladwraps16 begladding16 digladiate13 everglades15 gladdeners13 gladdening14 gladiators12 gladiatory15 gladnesses12 gladsomely17 gladsomest14 gladstones12 digladiated15 digladiates14 digladiator14 gladfulness16 gladioluses13 gladwrapped21 digladiating16 digladiation15 digladiators15 gladiatorial14 gladiatorian14 gladsomeness16 gladwrapping22 digladiations16 gladfulnesses18 gladiatorship20 gladiatorships21 gladsomenesses18

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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