Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain EXAM

exams14 examen15 examens16 examine16 example18 examined18 examinee17 examiner17 examines17 examplar19 exampled20 examples19 hexamine20 exametre17 examinant18 examinate18 examinees18 examiners18 examining19 examplars20 exampling21 hexameral21 hexameter21 hexamines21 reexamine18 exametres18 examinable21 examinants19 examinates19 examinator19 hexamerism24 hexamerous22 hexameters22 hexametral22 hexametric24 reexamined20 reexamines19 unexamined20 unexampled22 examination20 examinators20 hexamerisms25 hexametrise23 hexametrist23 hexametrize32 reexamining21 examinations21 examinership26 hexametrical26 hexametrised25 hexametrises24 hexametrists24 hexametrized34 hexametrizes33 dexamethasone26 examinability27 examinational22 examinerships27 hexamethonium30 hexametrising26 hexametrizing35 reexamination22 counterexample27 dexamethasones27 dexamphetamine31 hexamethoniums31 reexaminations23 counterexamples28 dexamphetamines32 examinabilities26 hexamethylenete33 hexamethylenetetramine42 hexamethylenetetramines43

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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