Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words with EST

best6 ests4 fest7 gest5 hest7 jest11 kest8 lest4 nest4 pest6 rest4 test4 vest7 west7 yest7 zest13 besti7 bests7 blest7 cesta7 cesti7 chest10 crest7 doest6 drest6 egest6 ester5 estoc7 estop7 estro5 ewest8 festa8 fests8 festy11 fiest8 geest6 geste6 gests6 ghest9 goest6 guest6 hests8 jests12 kests9 lests5 mesto7 nests5 pesto7 pests7 pesty10 prest7 quest14 reest5 resto5 rests5 resty8 testa5 teste5 tests5 testy8 trest5 vesta8 vests8 weest8 wests8 wrest8 yests8 yesty11 zests14 zesty17 nesty8 ablest8 airest6 aptest8 arrest6 attest6 barest8 basest8 behest11 bestad9 bestar8 bested9 bestie8 bestir8 bestis8 bestow11 bestud9 blaest8 bluest8 breest8 cestas8 cestoi8 cestos8 cestui8 cestus8 chests11 chesty14 coyest11 cresta8 crests8 Show full list ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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