Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain EATER

beater8 eaters6 eatery9 feater9 heater9 neater6 seater6 beaters9 bleater9 cheater12 eaterie7 greater8 heaters10 peatery12 pleater9 seaters7 sweater10 theater10 treater7 anteater8 bleaters10 cheaters13 cheatery16 defeater12 eateries8 figeater12 haweater14 pleaters10 reheater11 repeater10 sweaters11 theaters11 treaters8 anteaters9 beefeater14 crabeater13 defeaters13 eggbeater13 figeaters13 haweaters15 overeater12 peateries11 preheater14 reheaters12 repeaters11 retreater9 seedeater10 sweatered13 toadeater10 twoseater12 beefeaters15 browbeater17 cheateries15 crabeaters14 drumbeater15 eggbeaters14 goldbeater14 honeyeater16 maltreater12 overeaters13 preheaters15 pretheater15 retreaters10 seedeaters11 toadeaters11 twoseaters13 wifebeater18 browbeaters18 drumbeaters16 goldbeaters15 honeyeaters17 maltreaters13 superheater16 theatergoer15 theaterland15 windcheater20 wifebeaters19 amphitheater22 superheaters17 sweaterdress16 theatergoers16 theatergoing17 theaterlands16 windcheaters21 amphitheaters23 theatergoings18 sweaterdresses18

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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