Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain DSO

dsos5 odso5 dsobo8 dsomo8 gadso7 godso7 odsos6 adsorb9 dsobos9 dsomos9 godson8 podsol9 gadsos8 godsos8 adsorbs10 bedsock16 bedsore10 godsons9 midsole10 podsols10 adsorbed12 adsorber11 bedsocks17 bedsonia11 bedsores11 birdsong12 gladsome12 grandson10 handsome14 midsoles11 podsolic13 sandsoap11 windsock18 adsorbate12 adsorbent12 adsorbers12 adsorbing13 bedsonias12 birdsongs13 gladsomer13 grandsons11 greedsome13 handsomer15 handsomes15 podsolise12 podsolize21 sandsoaps12 windsocks19 bedsoniae12 adsorbable15 adsorbates13 adsorbents13 adsorption13 adsorptive16 gladsomely17 gladsomest14 handsomely19 handsomest16 podsolised14 podsolises13 podsolized23 podsolizes22 unhandsome16 adsorptions14 crowdsource19 podsolising15 podsolizing24 arfvedsonite19 crowdsourced21 crowdsources20 gladsomeness16 handsomeness18 unhandsomely21 adsorbability21 arfvedsonites20 crowdsourcing22 podsolisation16 podsolization25 crowdsourcings23 gladsomenesses18 handsomenesses20 podsolisations17 podsolizations26 unhandsomeness20 adsorbabilities20

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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