Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain DOMS

sodoms9 apedoms12 condoms12 dogdoms12 fandoms13 mandoms12 randoms10 wisdoms13 babudoms15 boredoms13 bossdoms13 chefdoms19 czardoms22 dogedoms13 dolldoms12 dukedoms16 earldoms11 fiefdoms17 filmdoms16 fogydoms18 freedoms14 geekdoms16 gurudoms12 halidoms14 heirdoms14 hobodoms16 jarldoms18 jockdoms24 kingdoms16 papadoms15 popedoms15 rhabdoms16 selfdoms14 serfdoms14 shahdoms17 stardoms11 teendoms11 tsardoms11 tzardoms20 wifedoms17 babeldoms16 birthdoms17 blokedoms18 chiefdoms20 clerkdoms18 devildoms16 duncedoms15 fairydoms18 fogeydoms19 gipsydoms18 gypsydoms21 hippydoms22 hoteldoms15 leechdoms17 liegedoms13 motordoms14 moviedoms17 noveldoms15 pachadoms19 pagandoms15 pappadoms18 pashadoms17 poppadoms18 puppydoms21 queendoms21 queerdoms21 rebeldoms14 saintdoms12 sheikdoms19 swelldoms15 thanedoms15 thraldoms15 unwisdoms15 villadoms15 whoredoms18 yuppydoms22 beadledoms16 beggardoms17 bishopdoms20 bumbledoms19 coupledoms17 cuckoldoms21 dufferdoms20 enfreedoms16 hippiedoms20 kaiserdoms17 luvviedoms19 martyrdoms18 masterdoms15 niggerdoms15 noodledoms14 pauperdoms17 polypidoms20 princedoms17 puzzledoms33 rascaldoms15 sachemdoms20 savagedoms17 sheikhdoms23 singledoms14 squiredoms22 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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