Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain DING

dinge7 dingo7 dings7 dingy10 adding9 aiding8 auding8 biding10 boding10 byding13 ceding10 ciding10 coding10 dinged9 dinger8 dinges8 dingey11 dinghy14 dingle8 dingos8 dingus8 duding9 elding8 ending8 fading11 hading11 hiding11 jading15 lading8 niding8 onding8 reding8 riding8 roding8 siding8 tiding8 vading11 wading11 yeding11 abiding11 aboding11 addings10 areding9 audings9 balding11 banding11 barding11 beading11 bedding12 bending11 bidding12 bidings11 binding11 birding11 blading11 bodings11 bolding11 bonding11 breding11 briding11 budding12 bunding11 carding11 chiding14 codding12 codings11 cording11 curding11 dadding11 dauding10 dawding13 deading10 deeding10 dingbat11 dingers9 dingeys12 dingied10 dingier9 dingies9 dingily12 dinging10 dingles9 dingoed10 dingoes9 dodding11 earding9 eilding9 eldings9 eliding9 eluding9 endings9 eroding9 evading12 exuding16 fadings12 fanding12 farding12 feeding12 fending12 feuding12 finding12 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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