Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words with DIME

dimer8 dimes8 dimers9 dimeric12 dimeter10 dimerise11 dimerism13 dimerize20 dimerous11 dimeters11 dimethyl17 dimetric13 pediment13 rudiment11 sediment11 condiment14 dimension12 dimerised13 dimerises12 dimerisms14 dimerized22 dimerizes21 dimethyls18 hardiment15 pediments14 rudiments12 sediments12 acidimeter15 acidimetry18 condiments15 dimensions13 dimerising14 dimerizing23 dimethoate16 embodiment17 hardiments16 impediment17 oxidimetry23 pedimental15 pedimented16 rudimental13 sedimented14 acidimeters16 acidimetric18 condimental16 condimented17 dimensional14 dimensioned15 dimercaprol18 dimethoates17 embodiments18 impedimenta18 impediments18 oxidimetric23 rudimentary17 sedimentary17 sedimenting15 sedimentous14 acidimetries17 condimenting18 dimensioning16 dimercaprols19 dimerisation15 dimerization24 impedimental19 oxidimetries22 rudimentally18 sedimentable17 turbidimeter17 turbidimetry20 acidimetrical20 dimensionally19 dimensionless16 dimerisations16 dimerizations25 dimethylamine24 disembodiment21 impedimentary23 rudimentarily19 sedimentarily19 sedimentation16 sedimentology20 turbidimeters18 turbidimetric20 dimenhydrinate24 dimensionality20 dimethylamines25 disembodiments22 nondimensional17 sedimentations17 sedimentologic20 tridimensional17 turbidimetries19 unidimensional17 acidimetrically25 dimenhydrinates25 dimethylaniline24 nonsedimentable20 rudimentariness18 sedimentologies19 Show full list ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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