Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain DERING

deringer10 nidering10 ordering10 bordering13 cindering13 dandering12 deringers11 diddering13 doddering13 dondering12 duddering13 foddering15 gandering12 gendering12 hindering14 juddering19 laddering12 moidering13 moldering13 murdering13 niddering12 niderings11 orderings11 pandering13 poldering13 pondering13 powdering16 puddering14 rendering11 sawdering14 soldering11 spidering13 sundering11 teddering12 tendering11 wandering14 wardering14 weddering15 wildering14 wondering14 blundering14 bouldering14 brandering14 broidering14 chowdering20 chundering17 daundering13 flindering15 fodderings16 fouldering15 foundering15 hinderings15 laundering12 loundering12 maundering14 meandering14 mouldering14 nidderings13 plundering14 powderings17 renderings12 reordering12 scowdering17 shuddering16 skeldering16 slandering12 sliddering13 smoldering14 solderings12 speldering14 sunderings12 tenderings12 thundering15 unordering12 wanderings15 whiddering19 wonderings15 panderings14 bepowdering20 bewildering18 blunderings15 boulderings15 broiderings15 calendering15 considering15 cylindering18 degendering15 disordering14 embordering17 empoldering17 engendering14 entendering13 floundering16 gazundering23 hinderingly19 imbordering17 impoldering17 intendering13 launderings13 lavendering16 lounderings13 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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