Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain DENT

dents6 ident6 dente6 ardent7 bident9 cadent9 dental7 dented8 dentel7 dentex14 dentil7 dentin7 eident7 idents7 indent7 pudent9 rident7 rodent7 sedent7 bidents10 candent10 credent10 dentals8 dentary11 dentate8 dentels8 dentils8 dentine8 denting9 dentins8 dentist8 dentoid9 denture8 edental8 erodent8 evident11 identic10 indents8 mordent10 pendent10 prudent10 rodents8 student8 trident8 accident13 ardently12 bidental11 decadent12 decedent12 dentalia9 dentally12 dentaria9 dentated10 dentelle9 dentexes16 denticle11 dentiled10 dentinal9 dentines9 dentists9 dentural9 dentures9 edentate9 erodents9 evidents12 frondent12 identify15 identity12 impudent13 incident11 indented10 indenter9 indentor9 mordents11 occident13 pendents11 resident9 scandent11 strident9 students9 studenty12 suddenty13 tridents9 undented10 accidents14 appendent14 ascendent12 bidentals12 bidentate12 cadential12 confident15 corrodent12 decadents13 decedents13 dentality13 dentalium12 dentarias10 dentaries10 dentately13 dentation10 dentelles10 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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