Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain DAH

dahl8 dahs8 odah8 dahi8 dadah10 dahls9 odahs9 akedah14 dadahs11 dahlia10 dahoon10 doodah11 houdah13 howdah16 ibadah12 keddah15 khedah17 numdah12 pardah12 purdah12 whidah16 whydah19 aggadah13 akedahs15 chuddah17 dahlias11 dahoons11 doodahs12 hadedah15 houdahs14 howdahs17 keddahs16 khedahs18 numdahs13 pardahs13 purdahs13 whidahs17 whydahs20 aggadahs14 chuddahs18 dahabeah17 dahabiah17 dahabieh17 dahabiya17 hadedahs16 haggadah17 purdahed15 shahadah18 verandah15 dahabeahs18 dahabeeah18 dahabiahs18 dahabiehs18 dahabiyah21 dahabiyas18 dahabiyeh21 haggadahs18 intifadah16 shahadahs19 verandahs16 dahabeeahs19 dahabeeyah22 dahabiyahs22 dahabiyehs22 intifadahs17 verandahed18 dahabeeyahs23

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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