Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain CRON

crone7 cronk11 crons7 crony10 bicron10 crones8 cronet8 dacron9 macron10 micron10 acronic11 acronym14 bicrons11 cronets9 cronies9 cronish12 cronker13 dacrons10 macrons11 microns11 omicron11 acronyms15 bacronym17 cronkest14 cronyism15 mucrones12 omicrons12 acronical13 acronycal16 acronymic18 bacronyms18 cronyisms16 micronise13 micronize22 mucronate13 submicron15 acronychal20 acronymous17 micronised15 micronises14 micronized24 micronizes23 mucronated15 submicrons16 acronically18 acronycally21 acronymania18 chylomicron23 macronuclei17 micronation15 microneedle16 micronising16 micronizing25 micronuclei17 millimicron17 mucronation15 acronychally25 acronymanias19 chylomicrons24 macronuclear18 macronucleus18 micronations16 microneedles17 micronucleus18 millimicrons18 mucronations16 acronymically25 macronutrient17 micronisation17 micronization26 micronutrient17 macronutrients18 micronisations18 micronizations27 micronucleuses20 micronutrients18 macronucleuses20

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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