Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain CRITIC

critics11 critical12 eccritic14 eucritic12 picritic14 acritical13 criticise13 criticism15 criticize22 diacritic14 eccritics15 epicritic15 critically17 criticised15 criticiser14 criticises14 criticisms16 criticized24 criticizer23 criticizes23 diacritics15 endocritic15 hypocritic22 uncritical14 criticality18 criticaster15 criticisers15 criticising16 criticizers24 criticizing25 diacritical16 hypercritic23 noncritical15 precritical17 subcritical17 criticalness16 criticasters16 criticisable18 criticizable27 hypercritics24 hypocritical24 oneirocritic16 overcritical19 uncritically19 criticalities17 criticisingly21 criticizingly30 diacritically21 hypercritical25 oneirocritics17 supercritical19 ultracritical17 criticalnesses18 hypercriticise26 hypercriticism28 hypercriticize35 hypocritically29 oneirocritical18 hypercritically30 hypercriticised28 hypercriticises27 hypercriticisms29 hypercriticized37 hypercriticizes36 oneirocriticism21 countercriticis21 countercriticism24 countercriticisms25

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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