Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words with CRIP

cripe9 crips9 scrip9 cripes10 scrips10 script10 cripple13 scripts11 adscript13 coscript14 crippled15 crippler14 cripples14 rescript12 scripted13 scripter12 adscripts14 conscript15 coscripts15 cripplers15 crippling16 prescript15 proscript15 rescripts13 scrippage16 scripters13 scripting14 scriptory16 scripture13 subscript15 ascription14 ascriptive17 conscripts16 coscripted17 crippledom19 cripplings17 descriptor15 manuscript16 postscript16 prescripts16 proscripts16 rescripted15 scrippages17 scriptoria14 scriptural14 scriptures14 subscripts16 tapescript16 transcript14 typescript19 uncrippled17 unscripted15 adscription16 ascriptions15 conscripted18 coscripting18 crippledoms20 crippleware20 cripplingly21 description16 descriptive19 descriptors16 inscription15 inscriptive18 manuscripts17 nondescript16 postscripts17 rescripting16 rescription15 scripholder19 scripophile20 scripophily23 scriptorial15 scriptorium17 scripturism17 scripturist15 superscript17 tapescripts17 transcripts15 typescripts20 adscriptions17 conscripting19 conscription18 cripplewares21 descriptions17 inscriptions16 nondescripts17 prescription18 prescriptive21 proscription18 proscriptive21 rescriptions16 scripholders20 scripophiles21 scriptoriums18 scripturally19 scripturisms18 scripturists16 scriptwriter19 subscription18 Show full list ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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