Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain CREE

creed8 creek11 creel7 creep9 crees7 scree7 creeds9 creeks12 creeky15 creels8 creeps10 creepy13 creese8 creesh11 decree9 screed9 screen8 screes8 screet8 creedal10 creeing10 creeled10 creeped12 creeper11 creepie11 creesed10 creeses9 creeshy15 decreed11 decreer10 decrees10 decreet10 screech14 screeds10 screens9 screets9 screeve12 creemee11 bescreen12 creekier14 creeling11 creepage13 creepers12 creepier12 creepies12 creepily15 creeping13 creeshed14 creeshes13 creesing11 decreers11 decreets11 discreet11 miscreed13 onscreen10 rescreen10 screechy18 screeded12 screeder11 screened11 screener10 screenie10 screeted11 screeved14 screever13 screeves13 bescreens13 creekiest15 creekside16 creepages14 creepered14 creepiest13 creepmice17 creeshier14 creeshing15 decreeing13 eurocreep13 flyscreen17 miscreeds14 offscreen17 prescreen13 rescreens11 screeched17 screecher16 screeches16 screeders12 screeding13 screeners11 screenful14 screenies11 screening12 screeting12 screevers14 screeving15 sunscreen11 vidscreen15 bescreened15 creeksides17 creepiness14 creepingly18 creepmouse16 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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